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The Total Physique Solution


Everyone can coach themselves into herculean shape

It's IMPOSSIBLE to coach yourself right? If you think that you are just a “layman'' and the next person that offers you a personal training session is exactly what you need then you are sorely mistaken, you can do this yourself.

If you are like most people you probably think that the knowledge and skills to get into insane shape needs hours of learning, a PhD, proprietary software or tools and lots of secret tips that only personal trainers have - there couldn't be anything further from the truth. You see the thing most people don’t realize is how little a coach actually does for you, they check in once a week and give you some guidance based on YOUR OWN FEEDBACK, they in actual fact cannot do more than that because you know your body the best.

They do a very good job of setting you up (which can be taught) but thereafter you are still at the wheel and coaches rely 100% on your feedback, the adjustments recommended thereafter can also be taught. If you are equipped with the fundamental knowledge and a burning desire to blow up your physique you will never need to look at personal trainers and fitness personalities with such high esteem. These techniques and methods are in actual fact very easy to learn and the good news is that we have not only assembled all the knowledge for you but also created a workbook to carry it out yourself. 

Pursuing $1000 courses or $500 coaching sessions is not the way to get into the shape of your life

So why did we start with a rant about knowledge and coaches? Well, you wanna hear a sad story? The very same story most of us out there live day to day and is all too common, here it is. You see I was a skinny kid looking to get into shape and to say I tried any and every diet and workout programme out there (spending 1000’s of dollars in the process) would be an understatement, P90X, North Beach diet, the Carnivore diet, one meal a day (OMAD), IIFYM, the <insert greek work like spartacus> workout,.... the list goes on and on and on, eventually I got there, I put on muscle, I cut back and landed up in some decent/average shape.

BUT I HAD NO CLUE WHAT WORKED AND WHAT DIDN’T. I didn’t know if it had to do with the fact that I was young, I just started training, was it the protein, the carbs, the starvation, the push-ups, the bench presses - in short I wanted to take things to the next level and I didn’t know what to try next, every path I tracked back to left a cold trail of clues I could do nothing with. 

I was at a breaking point because I was in just “average” shape now and I needed a system, something more structured that made sense and didn’t just pull on my heartstrings and purse strings (my money). I needed something that could teach me how to “scale up my physique”, something that could help me put on “x pounds of muscle” and then “drop x pounds of fat” and for all of this to be in MY CONTROL This is science, physics, so there must be something basic I was missing out on, right?

Turns out there was, the basic laws of physics and science entered the frame and I saw everything through the lens of simple to understand numbers that I could change according to my body and my needs. You see while hunting for the magic silver bullet I ran away from the stuff that sounded too “foundational” and basic, kinda like I needed a get rich quick scheme and did not want to hear about building a business and profit and loss. The very basics, the fundamentals came to the rescue., the same fundamentals that Thor, Batman or Mr Olympia use to get into shape believe it or not, but they (the pros) understood it in a way that I could never have imagined AND THIS IS WHEN IT ALL CHANGED - they had the system I had been searching for.

I was not only helping myself right now I was helping others change the way they saw their physiques and it was at that moment I knew I wanted to help others too by sharing this information.

...this led to what must have been my best transformation to date

Figure out your body in the exact way a professional coach would and join 1000’s of people we have helped who have used this system to drop double digits in body fat and/or gain slabs of muscle:

The system we offer in the Total Physique Solution main book and workbook will help you:

  • Understand all the fundamentals - down to the tee (you will be an expert)
  • Design/customize your very own nutritional plans and training plans according to your own goals (whether want to pack on size or cut down bodyfat)
  • Learn how to adjust the plans to your ever changing body and its needs
  • Create habits to improve overall health (not just the muscle and fat story)
  • Build systems for self-development that improve and build the mind you need to succeed (more on why in a bit)
  • Empower you with interactive and editable weekly guides that can you can keep track of and plan at the start and end of every week

Again we cannot emphasize the foundation building power of this book, if you wanted to get rich this is the book to get you to your first $1mill, if you wanted to fly a plane this book is the book to help you on your maiden flight - you get the picture, we all need that one golden piece of knowledge that pulls the entire picture together, our bible, consider us your physique bible. 

Everyone wants to share the theory but NOBODY wants to share the practical system coaches around the world use

Yes we can hunt for the information and the theory, we can pull together scraps of data here and there and we can find our own way, or if we are lucky someone can share the theory for us, we don’t dispute that. What people will very rarely share though is the same systems (the practical systems) they use as coaches, because that removes the need for the “buy my $300 for 1 session” coaching offer, it makes them redundant and potentially exposes the simplicity of what they have been hiding.

Now this is not a dig at personal trainers and influencers around the world but it’s a challenge to everyone in the community to do better. Do better by sharing the fundamental information and improving our value proposition at the same time to take everything to the next level. 

That is why we WANT TO offer the knowledge AND coaching system with the Total Physique Solution. There is just simply too much noise in mainstream media and we want to cut through it all by giving you this double offer.

...also, in most cases poor mental health and habit formation is the root cause of sub-par fitness results 

...but very few talk about this in the fitness industry. It's almost assumed that the pursuit of a healthy physical habit doesn't itself uncover a few other issues that may be brewing underneath the surface. I and so many clients at some point come to the same conundrum :

“Why can't I just DO the things that I need to do or achieve, what is stopping me?”

The answer : a very low self esteem and self view, based on broken core beliefs about yourself and your body. We take a unique and different approach in our book, we provide an easy to understand mental framework and tools to help build better beliefs and habits in your fitness journey. In the end our conclusion has always been - we can provide you with all the tools you could ever need but without a mind that WANTS to change, change will never happen. 

oh and we will not put you into a box and tell you not to eat carbs, to always be on your A game, to never skip leg day (although you shouldn't), we really strive for long term longevity and enjoyment (which leads to adherence) over anything else

We know you cannot track calories for your entire lifetime so we shared 4 techniques to help you track your nutrition depending on where you are in your life, we don't rule out or take aim at macronutrients like carbs and we certainly preach “whatever keeps you on the programme is the the food/exercise that is best for you”

….and honestly, that 20 day blitz plan is hurting you in more ways than you can imagine 

You see the 30 day spartacus programme, the 15 day flat belly plan or the 25 day superhero programmes are all doing the same thing to every single consumer out there, they’re preying on vulnerability and flat out LYING to people about the results you can get in a measly 20 days.

Yes 20 days is measly, it's a start, yes but compared to the time it took most of us to get to our starting points (years of eating/training poorly) how can we expect to see everlasting change in just 20 days. This quick fix / instant gratification fitness culture is what is gripping mainstream media and it needs to be stopped. We want to be truthful, we want to offer you a SYSTEM that you can use to REPLICATE over and over and over and over again, we want you to learn to build everlasting change into your physique and body goals and we can guarantee that this is the right system for you. That is why this is not a “get rich quick” scheme, it is a powerful fundamental system that will yield amazing results when combined with your insane work ethic. 

A “novel” of information and a practical workbook in the palm of your hands

The e-book comes in 2 parts:

  • A ±260 page book of all the fundamentals we promised, covering nutrition (from top to bottom), training (again teaching the foundation and offering three training programmes) and “self”, a section on self-development because we understand the need for a strong mind in taking on this task
  • A ±200 page workbook with editable PDF’s which means you can set-up your very own nutritional meal plans, training programmes and self-development plan AND track them day to day and week to week for 12 weeks. You can carry this around on your smartphone and or other devices and be held accountable for the plans YOU designed.

Who is this for? 

So let’s be clear and fair with our assessment of who this book is for, after all nobody can create books that cater to everyone under the sun. So to start who is this book for:

  • Anyone who has always had good intentions of training and improving their diet is fed up of being sent from pillar to post and wants the right direction or guidance to succeed and most of all really wants ONE BOOK to cover nutrition, training and more PLUS a practical system to follow these can be any of the following
    • Total beginner to training , nutrition and overall physique building in desperate need for a starting point - 0-8 months of training experience
    • A novice to intermediate individual (6 months - 3 years of experience) in the fitness game but has either been inconsistent or jumping from programme to programme with no real results or outcomes to speak of
    • Relatively decent training track record but after a long layoff just in the market for a programme to jump start your progress again
    • You fit into the sick and tired category 
    • Someone looking to add to their collection of knowledge in the fitness world, looking to expand their thinking 
  • Anyone who has some appreciation for an analytical approach to fitness that has science behind the concepts and tools
  • Those with some commitment to dedicating at least a few hours to fitness a day whether be in the form of training, tracking, eating or assessing progress 
  • Anyone looking for a programme that WILL NOT RESTRICT what you eat or do at the gym via some dogmatic beliefs, we provide the fundamental guidelines and you can follow that how you please

Let's move onto who this book is not for:

  • You have been in the fitness game for at least 4+ years (very consistent years) and have a very good grip of all the fundamentals around nutrition, training and are now looking for very advanced concepts to keep making progress
  • You prefer just a set of guidelines like “eat steak and eggs” and don’t have the time or desire to set-up programmes and plan your fitness journey
  • You are looking for a quick to very quick solution like a “15 day booty challenge” or a “20 day get fit camp”

Contents (what is included in the book)

As we come closer to displaying the value we offer let's break down the contents of this book, apologies this will be a long one but we have to show you what you are getting:

Main Book:


Let’s break down the value 

…so in case you missed it some of the key features from the contents pages:

  • Nutrition from foundation to advanced
  • 4 diet models provided to suit your lifestyle
  • Multiple worked examples of sample diet plans
  • Foundational training knowledge segment
  • Library of exercises
  • Anatomy of the body chart with functional details of each muscle group
  • 3 full 8 week workouts 
  • Cardio information and a 12 week cardio planner
  • A full mental model and approach to rewiring your beliefs
  • The editable workbook section comes with:
    • A Complete set of setup templates
    • A 12 week system for every day and weekly planning
    • Workouts and cardio planner with editable fields 

We can cut straight to the chase here in terms of value, no fluffing around, there are tons of ebooks on this platform and others, the average 4 week programme or “40 recipe” e-book costs $50-60, that is the going rate (look it up). 

If we valued our offering to the same benchmark (look at the contents we laid out above - it should be classed as a short novel), we would be in the region of $200-300 without a doubt, but to reiterate our point from earlier, we WANT to offer value, change and a different approach to the fitness industry, one that is truthful, balanced and value add. 

Our launch offer is… $65 for all of this value, a proper steal at that price. We intend to keep it at this price for the opening period only.

…we didn’t even mention how beautifully this book is designed, just for your reading pleasure

…what some of the early adopters seem to think

…and if you are really not convinced download our free e-book, it’s a little teaser of what we can offer in the main book and a cool little story to follow along with

We created a short guide where we quickly take you through an approximate approach to coaching someone and creating a diet, workout plan and give them a few tips on their way out. It’s set up in a sort of conversational way to show you what a typical conversation would look like and what some of the “quick and dirty” approximation techniques are when helping someone to set-up. Have a look at that guide to give you an idea of what to expect in the main book (blown up to a completely different level of detail obviously).

…ok and lastly we are throwing in one more free tool when you purchase the Total Physique solution

We're also going to throw in a few excel tools into the mix, a calorie and macro calculator , a weight tracker to help see your week to week changes and a diet planning template for those that don't want to use an app.

Notes and FAQ's

Optimal user experience: For best results, ease of viewing and editing of the workbook templates, make sure to use the Adobe Acrobat Reader app on the device you are using

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The complete set of books and tools are as follows:

Total Physique Solution Book
262 pages
Total physique Solution Workbook (editable)
196 pages
Excel Tools
3 tools
How to guide
4 pages
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The Total Physique Solution

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